July 3, 2012

Happy Birthday, US of A!

Wishing all my friends a Happy 4th, with the red of poppies....

the white of filipendula....

and the blue of an old fashioned lawn chair....

Childe Hassam, The Avenue in the Rain, 1917; oil on canvas, 42 x 22.25 in.

with flags waving....

Utagawa Hiroshige, Fireworks, Ryogoku Bridge, 1858; color woodcut, 14.2 x 9.25 in.

and fireworks bursting. Have a wonderful day!


  1. Beautiful post! But not so optimistic here in Midwestern drought-land where we are sorely lacking in blue: water.

  2. I agree with Julie on both points. Most of the fireworks around here have been cancelled because of such dry conditions. It appears they will officially make initial drought determinations tomorrow. They're calling it a moderate drought in southern Wisconsin. High today was 105! Yesterday was only 100 . . .

  3. It's awful to hear about your weather in the midwest. Here it's been raining, and though warm, it hasn't been horribly hot except for one heat spell, which in Vermont meant 90ยบ. Yesterday it was around 80, with a nice breeze and with thunderstorms in late afternoon bringing a good amount of rain. The downside was that I lost power for over 3 hours, but I would rather have that than your weather.

  4. Thank you for posting Fireworks, Ryogoku Bridge. That beautiful line, arcing up, then down. I bought a woodblock copy nearly 40 years ago from Aiko's, a Japanese art supply shop in Chicago now closed. Still enjoy it daily.

    1. How lucky you are, Richard, to have that print.
