April 23, 2010

Bees and Grape Hyacinths

My favorite bumblebees, their soft furry bodies striped with orange, have been visiting the newly opened grape hyacinths; there are one or two bees on the flowers throughout the day, so they must be very attractive to these small buzzing creatures. A couple of years ago, I was in Brooklyn in April when the grape hyacinths were blooming in front yards throughout the neighborhood; I fell in love with their clear pure blue color, gathered on a spike of small spheres, curving round the stalk according to the golden ratio. So I ordered bulbs and now have them blooming in my borders; I find them as lovely as the bees do, though my appreciation is purely aesthetic.


  1. What fabulous pictures! I love grape hyacinth too, but these make bumblebees look attractive too.

  2. You are an expert photographer: I can never get those bees to stand still long enough. And the saturation on those Hyacinth: total temptation. The thing for people to remember is that even though they disappear during summer, the foliage comes back in the fall.

  3. Glad you both like the pics. I adore these pretty bumblebees. The light was so bright when I shot these that the shutter speed was very fast, so it was easy to capture the bees.
